3 hours,seem to be very small but not for those sitting in box for the full time.their senses receive only one thing as their stimulus .The cinema hall also known famously as the “silver screen” is a place where multiple minds focus on one particular source of energy ,their emotions and thoughts which are actually considered scientifically to be cosmic waves in the universe are continuously emitted and that makes all the difference to the success or failure of the movie. ”moving pictures”, or now days known as “movie” ,I consider it to be a highly powerful source of energy which has the ability to change human emotions .all beings in the universe vibrate as per their own frequency ,measurable or not,but they do. Believe me .there are very rare “powers” in nature which can influence so many vibrations simultaneously .these powers include natural disasters , famous/motivational speeches by people or some sport events etc. “motion pictures” also come in this category and as per a study ,a well showcased movie makes a strong impression on the viewer until the next 30min of his exit from the multiplex that signifies ,his state of vibrations were influenced strongly.
The origin of movies goes back to 1881,when William kennedy invented his kinescope and the first ever motion picture, “MONKEY SHINES “ was showcased on trial basis.it was later re-released after coming up of modern day technologies and accessories.it wasn’t a big hit,though peole gathered to watch it ,as it was the first ever made.movies have always been a source of entertainment and a “few good men” knew that it’s a profitable venture and these men are today shaping the movie industry of tomorrow.with people’s interest coming up,investment in movies increased and being new ,they were viewed by a large section of the society.
initialy they were considered as a source of entertainment but gradually people started linking it to their lives.their mind developed images of the actors and altered them with their own subconscious projections. John beards contribution made life more easy.now more people can enjoy them while not even stepping out of their homes and movies became an integral part of our lives.it was something new to this world,something that was never known nor was expected to come up.initailly any one having funds investement but not all movies succeeded.there was felt a need of those actual “Few Good Men”, now popularly known as directors or film makers .