Room 413 of the 16th block MIT hostels was at pin drop silence. no one spelled a word. nothing - it was exam time. This room was my study room after 11pm as it’s the most quite, clean, easy access to coffee and of course my 10 pointer book buddy. A few nights before the chemistry exam we all were tensed-200 pages of polymers, 150 pages of batteries and 75 slides of corrosion had already screwed everyone when something terrible happen. One of us was thrown out of the room. Now , I know you are smart enough to understand that, it was me.
" My friend Kush Somani has a habit of saying 'BOKA' which means 'idiot' in bengali( the bengali effect from Kolkata) and so we named him BOKA .i still don’t know from where and how my lost mind thought of this;
"guys, what special name could we give to this room??".
all started gazing at me, wondering how did that relate anyway to chemistry or any other subject and why out of nothing i broke their flow of tension filled study.
" nahi bhai..why?", they said and with no further delay, i replied "BOKARO".
Yes. I know that’s a bit annoying and out of nowhere.

" Abey Boke!! (see, he said again) teri books yahin hain...chem mein back laga le , but never enter this room again", said Kush.
A few days back, 4 people (two unknown guys) came running after me; I understood it was my previous day FB status::
"tears are salty....and so is monaco"
Ask any third year here and you find none who never heard about the killing PJ's i made up and the best part, i so loved to see people scratching their heads out or trying to jump off the window. it’s some "magical" ingredient in my PJ's because everyone tries to jump off, but not to push me.i just can’t stop laughing looking at them and they call me a sadist as they got paralysed hearing the joke and I laughed at them being so helpless….hahaha…I ‘m loving it.:D
They say PJ's kill you, i say no. it's not something that i do purposely but merely by chance. They are just pure creation of mind, like the rajnikanth jokes (they are the epitome , heights of cranky and weird jokes) but it manages to get you smile. you think about how weird it is but most of all...its something you can discuss the next day , for example, the good jokes are stored in the inbox but, my PJ's or for the fact anyone else's are discussed in school, college or mess the next day. you can have your ultimate laugh anytime cuz they are short and cranky- something out of the regular. specimens of wild and creative imagination unfolded to others. Muahahaha!!!
Creativity , blowing your mind off. :D
But the most important of all is that, jokes are not roads on which you run your loaded trucks of brain. They are to be absorbed, be it of any kind. Take it as it and you will enjoy every ounce of it, like I do. It forces you to smile, open your mouth and say hahahahha!!!! .
“ batao, Kush somani ke door ke peeche kya likha hoga??”