Since the early ages of mankind ,competition has prevailed in life for every small need.
“Survival of the fittest”
Charles Darwin's words explain the need of competition in life, but along moves the fear of losing behind and that of not reaching our goal. mostly it happens the other way round. In order to move ahead and achieve more ,we have to compete; with other individuals, society and “’ourselves” . we get a key start when we eliminate fear.Strictly speaking ,only those who dare to conquer their fears ,have ever succeeded in their field of work.
“Fear keeps people small..
Embrace them.
On the other side of your fears, lies your greatest life”
When we aim at any target that we set for ourselves, mind jumbles into the though process; about the direction we would progress in , time consumption, happiness of winning and the unavoidable feeling of “what if I lose?”.Thus we start our progress with a positive approach .hardwork is many a times driven by the fear of failure.Even the most confident ones amongst us fear it.
“No one is ideal”

All his hard work ,will power, excitement goes in vain and he would stop his “hard work” which slowly with time becomes his “fear of losing”
But one shall remember that fears are meant to conquered.only those who learn from their mistakes, succeed in whatever they compete for.
“success is just a matter of hanging on, when others have given up”
We must be motivated from our fears rather than to get depressed and consider competition to be an integral part of life which will be with us like our shadow. We should always keep in mind that the happiness or enjoyment we get after achieving our goals is nothing in front of making mistakes, learning from them, correcting and then winning the race.
“Those who said that they never failed, had never tried anything new in their life”
What I present to you is at a very large scale and not an alley. Even actors and performers believe that they perform their best when they fear of giving a bad one. What we observe in nature is Darwin’s theory. But point comes what about the shopkeeper, who is ruled away, even he needs to feed his family? That my friend is the harsh side of competition which is proved by our history that for one civilisation to survive, other has to fall down; else we won’t be able to move ahead.
Most of decisions are led by “fear”, when we try to remove them we “compete” and when we are free, we are “successful.”
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